Alchemist Coffee Lab
Wush Wush
Wush Wush
Flavor Profile: Cocoa Butter, Blackberry, Fresh Cacao Fruit, Creamy
Producer: José Giraldo
Estate: Las Marias
Process: Anaerobic Natural (w/ Enzymatic Fermentation)
Roast: Light
Region: Pijao, Quindío
Variety: Orange Striped Wush Wush
Species: Arabica
Weight: 6oz
Growing Altitude: 1950-2000 MASL
What is Wush Wush?
This variety originates from the Wush Wush region of Ethiopia. Wush Wush beans are small and unique in appearance. The crop produces small yields and is highly sought after. Wush Wush coffee has a unique cup profile that's sweet, fruity, and floral.
About the Producer:
José Giraldo of Cafe 1959, is a third generation coffee producer and his family have been growing coffee for over 50 years. His father (who has a Ph.D. in food engineering) was the driving force behind researching the effects of different processing methods and logging them in the lab. Jose carried on this interest and has designed a series of his own methodology for processing coffee. He implements these methods on both the coffee they grow at the family estate, Las Marias, as well as with cherries they buy from partner farms across Colombia.
José grows this coffee at his farm, Las Marias Estate, in Pijao, Quindío, at around 1950-2000 MASL.
After selective picking and sorting has taken place for optimum ripeness, the coffee is placed in sealed barrels in a refrigerator (literally, a walk-in refrigerator that Jose had constructed at Café 1959's La Clarita Drying Station). After 120 hours of anaerobic fermentation controlled inside the refrigerator, the coffee is taken to raised drying beds, where the coffee is dried to 25% humidity after an average of 25 days. At this point, the coffee is returned to the refrigerator to achieve an enzymatic fermentation over the course of 8 days before finally returning to the raised beds to finish drying to the optimum water activity and moisture level.